Educators & Instructors

American Sign Language (ASL)

Educators and Instructors

ASLdeafined strives to provide the best American Sign Language (ASL) program online. We work with numerous schools, organizations, and companies to help them with their quest to learn American Sign Language.

Our Approach:  Our approach in offering this program is to utilize the teaching skills from the Deaf community to maximize their authentic language learning, and exposure.  Their combined efforts and professionalism strive to meet the needs of every learner in our ASL community.  Video technology enables us to offer every lesson and activity in video format.  ASLdeafined maximizes every students’ learning and comprehension of the language.  The cost to access this wealth of information is just $1 per month, per student.  Teachers are FREE (with student order).

Our Structure:  ASLdeafined is divided into four distinct levels:  Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Advanced Plus.  Each of our 300 + lessons consists of twenty vocabulary words, followed with 4-5 retention and comprehension exercises.  Each activity (exercise) is scored, then automatically recorded on each individual’s progress chart. believes students need/deserve instant feedback in their ASL classes.  Teachers now have the ability to introduce video vocabulary words from a themed lesson to each class.  Students will then be engaged in activities that will enhance their levels of retention.  Homework can be assigned to assist in reviewing and improving their retention of the day’s exercises.  Our program is dynamic, and can easily be customized by individual teachers to better meet the needs of your classroom.

Our Outcomes:  The testimonials from schools across the United States is a testament to the incredible results of, compared to a textbook with pictures.  Classroom activity shows learning taking place everywhere, even on days when the regular teacher is absent, and a substitute teacher is there.  Students simply use, and the learning process is not held up due to that teacher’s absence.   Students have retained their sign language skills when advancing to level 2 in the fall.  Many continue practicing and learning throughout the summer months on their own initiative.  Being an ASL instructor on both the high school and collegiate level, I can attest to the fact that students learn 3-4 times faster, and retain the information longer, when they have learned from this video program.  Their feedback also reflects their interest and determination for learning the language.  Now, there is no more guesswork with signing, compared to pictures and drawings.  This program is solid, strong, and complete. You will quickly see how technology in your classroom is the way to a more bountiful future.

Please contact us for exceptional educator and classroom pricing by clicking on the link below:

Special Pricing for Schools and Organizations

Key Features of ASLdeafined:

  • Themed lessons
  • Individualized progress chart (progress monitoring and homework)
  • Retention exercises – immediate feedback
  • 17,000+ video dictionary with synonyms
  • Handshape and location concentration
  • Deaf culture
  • Fingerspelling practice
  • Ability to customize vocabulary lists
  • Comprehension video questions
  • Deaf experts – exposure to native signers
  • Sign variation in the dictionary
  • 4 distinct ASL levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced, & advanced plus)
  • Teacher Resource Folder – Enhance your curriculum (upon request in the trial)
  • Lesson plans for each themed lesson (upon request in the trial)
  • Teacher monitoring student function
  • ASL grammar
  • English to ASL translation practice
  • Updating information on a monthly basis.  No stagnation here!
  • APP in the Apple and Google Play Stores – ‘asldeafined’
  • Much, much more
This is a sample teacher’s lesson plan on how to use ASLdeafined with your American Sign Language classes. This is a supplement to give you an idea how to incorporate our website with you classroom. Each lesson on ASLdeafined has its own lesson plan.
If you would like additional support and collaboration, please feel free to

 Contact us at :
 Download : ASLdeafined Teachers Guide
 For schools and organizations: ASLdeafined offers discounts for such groups. Simply fill out the form below to receive additional information.
